Thalita Hamaoui (Brasil, 1981) has a bachelor degree in Fine Arts from Fundação Armando Álvares Penteado (FAAP) and has worked with textile design for more than a decade. She was part of a critical mentoring group organized by Thiago Honório and Paula Cohen in 2018. Between 2016 and 2017, she was mentored by Regina Parra and Rodolpho Parigi. Her current research is strongly connected to painting. Hamaoui participated at the residency programs at Pivô, in São Paulo, 2018, and Serrinha, 2015. Solo exhibitions include A Borda do Mundo, at Galeria Nave, in Lisbon, 2020; A Oferenda, at NowHere, Lisbon, 2019; Um Passo Irrepáravel, at Centro Cultural São Paulo (CCSP), 2017; and Forcei os Olhos para Ver at Boiler Galeria, 2017. Group shows featuring her work includes Preliminares at Coletivo Cama, SP, 2021; The Land of Evil at Galeria Off Shoot, in London, 2019; Infiniteness, at Lasy Susan Gallery, NY, 2019; Coleção Duda Miranda, at FEA in Lisbon, 2019; Exercícios at Galeria Jaqueline Martins, 2018; and Procession, at Foley Gallery, NY, 2016.